
Tabletalk Magazine, July 2008: The 8th Century is unavailable, but you can change that!

The July 2008 issue of Tabletalk focuses on the eighth century. While by no means intended to provide a complete history of this century, this issue of Tabletalk aims to present several of its highlights by exploring its historical, theological, and practical ramifications. Contributors include R. C. Sproul, Howard Q. Davis, Bill Haynes, Susan Hunt, Henry Krabbendam, Robert Letham, Keith A....

human form. The incarnation, according to the Eastern Orthodox, not only justifies icons but mandates them; to contend otherwise is to question the reality of the incarnation, implying that the Son’s humanity is not permanently and eternally real. It also supposes that the spiritual and material are in opposition. The iconoclasts, for their part, insisted that icons were idolatrous and were forbidden by the second commandment. Indeed, they claimed that the loss of the eastern territories to Islam
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